The Case for the Executive Educator

Moringa List
3 min readOct 13, 2020

Wake up, get dressed, clock in, teach, repeat…

It’s the life of an educator. A type of cadence we succumb to. Some of us love the predictability and rhythm that a career in education typically requires, but so many of us long for a day when we can answer an email from the bed, leisurely prepare our coffee in the morning, work out and schedule our first interactions with the world on our terms. In education, we sacrifice so much for our passion.

In the time of COVID-19, Pre-K — 12 education has morphed into something none of us could have imagined. Hours of preparation for Zoom lessons, learning to engage children more creatively and inventing new ways to feel close from a distance, it’s A LOT but we are doing it ALL. For those who have returned to school there’s the custodial duties, new boundaries to enforce and a “new normal” forcefully seeking an embrace.

In the true spirit of educational systems, many decisions were made with little to no input from the people providing the direct service. But what if we leaned into this moment? Took a new angle? What if WE decided that WE will become the executive leadership WE are looking for? It’s the kind of empowering revolution Moringa List seeks to provide to the field of education.

Moringa List is a new digital platform designed by an educator for an educator. The new marketplace allows educators to easily access families looking for educational services. You create a profile, become a member and set up listings for the services you provide. Families can easily search the listings, find you and request to book. No strings attached. The platform even offers educators an easy way to collect payment for services through our integration with PayPal, simplifying the banking app soup many tutors navigate. In a few simple steps you can become an #edupreneur!

Most private tutoring models in the marketplace currently employ or contract educators and provide a set rate. This is the differentiator with Moringa List, the company provides the platform to connect and you determine the rest (rates, services and availability). For a minimal monthly subscription fee, educators have the chance to access a wide range of potential clients and decide how much they work.

In a world of constant change, there just may be a new kind of predictability. Many families are seeking enrichment services, virtual learning support and pod leaders for their students. Those willing to offer the services to support this “new normal” are taking control of their health, safety and earning more.

As families evaluate what’s most important for work-life integration, teachers have the chance to reshape what we all consider a learning environment. Beyond the pandemic, there’s a possibility to craft a new way of working and educating. There’s an opportunity.

Some families are discovering their children do better in small, more personalized settings. Others are seeing a need for enrichment or extra academic support for their children. This moment is calling upon us to find innovative solutions.

“Innovation happens when we live in the space between tradition and invention.”

You can be the inventor of a new future with more flexibility and stability. Your first step to creating a new standard begins with Moringa List. Build a clientele, set your rates, and live out your passion serving students on your terms. Join the list and set your life on a new kind of repeat.

For more information about Moringa List, visit or reach out to a member of our team at



Moringa List

A digital platform where qualified educators and families can easily connect.